Have you ever visited someone’s home and were envious of their backyard? Have you been holding back because you think remodeling your backyard could cost a lot? Let’s take a look at budget backyard remodel ideas that are drool-worthy.
Alternatives For Mulch
Mulching is a process that not only helps save money and time but it also helps to cut down on the amount of water your garden needs. While this seems like a great option, it is expensive. Here are a few budget-friendly mulch alternatives.
1: Grass Clippings
Simply spread the clippings over your flower beds and they will work like magic.
2: Leaves
Sounds like cannibalism but shredded leaves provide great nutrition to your plants.
3: Pine Needles
They are pretty to look at, easy to maintain, and budget-friendly.
4: Compost
If you can get past the smell, using it for healthy landscaping works wonders.
5: Newspaper
Let your plants do a little reading so they can get healthy.
6: Stone
This is one option that you should use only if you are good at landscaping. It helps cut down your weed but it is important to place them properly so they don’t damage your plants.
Reusing Old Tires
Paint an old tire with a bright cherry red or a fluorescent green and hang it up along the backyard fence and place planters inside it. These will look pretty and are budget-friendly.
Vertical Gardening
If you don’t have a lot of space in your backyard, then vertical gardens are a great way to add a green touch to the area. Don’t worry about spending too much money on these gardens. Simply go online and check out some amazing DIY tops for vertical gardens. Create your very own vertical garden using an old wooden ladder, old paint cans, picture frames, old shoe organizers, or even your wooden fence.
Color Me Pretty
Add a splash of color to your backyard by planting different colored flowers. You can also use bright plastic chairs against the wood or metal tables and even paint pots in different colors. Dig through your old stash of paints and use leftovers instead of purchasing new ones.
Create A Herb Garden
Flowers are pretty but herbs can be useful while cooking too. You can create your small herb garden in your backyard so you don’t have to worry about paying for herbs again.
You can invest in quirky landscape décor items to add a bit of character to your backyard remodel ideas.